How much you are aware about Li-Fi Technology?

Li-Fi can be thought of as a light based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses light instead of radio waves to transmit information. And instead of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver-fitted LED lamps that can light a room as well as transmit and receive information.
What is Li-Fi?
Ø  LI-FI is transmission of data through illumination, i.e. sending data through a LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than human eye can follow

Need For Li-Fi
Ø  Radio spectrum is congested, but the demand for wireless data doubles each year 
Ø  Issues regarding radio spectrum, such as capacity, availability, efficiency, security are solved using LIFI.
Ø  Speed of data transmission can be increased.

Overcoming Wi-Fi Issues
Ø  Spectrum is 10,000 times greater than that of radio frequency

Ø  Highly efficient since LED consumes less energy

Ø  Light waves available everywhere.

Ø  Cannot penetrate through walls. Hence data cannot be intercepted.

Visible Light Communication
·        In electromagnetic spectrum, gamma, UV rays are dangerous for human body.
·        IR rays, due to eye safety regulations, are not used

Life OF Li-Fi
·        Introduced by Professor Herald hass, at the University of Edinburgh.
·        Established in 2011 TED global talk
·        The promotion of idea through TED helped to start a company, Pure Li-Fi
·        Pure Li-Fi, formerly pure VLC, is an original equipment manufacture firm setup to commercialize Li-Fi products for integration with existing LED lighting systems
·        In October 2011, few companies and industries group formed Li-Fi consortium to promote the high speed optical wireless systems.

Li-Fi Network
Ø  Li-Fi connector and router are the main components for a network
Ø  Room connector:
·        Optical signals cannot penetrate through walls, in order to provide an optical WLAN, rooms need to be connected with each other.
·        Li-Fi room connector is a replicator, which sends the data stream from one side of the wall to the other side via an optical fiber.
·        For smaller rooms, connector act as the only Li-Fi hotspot in the room.

·        Data rate greater than 10 Gbps; Theoretically allowing HD film to be downloaded in 30 seconds.
·        Can be used anywhere, even in RF restricted areas; Since light waves will not interfere with radio waves.
·        Mostly LED light bulbs are used, which consumes less energy. Hence cost efficient.
·        As light waves cannot penetrate through walls, the data cannot be intercepted; Thus provides secured communication.
·        Efficient alternative to radio based wireless; since it is quick and reliable.
