Viral Marketing

What is Viral Marketing?
 Refers to marketing  that techniques that use pre- facilitates and encourages existing social networks to people to pass along a produce increases in brand marketing message awareness through self- voluntarily. web Designing Blogs Replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses.
A promotional method that is of the customers, by customers,  Digital Marketing Blogs and Posts and for customers “Like viruses, take advantage of the rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands – or even to millions”

An attempt to deliver a marketing message that spreads quickly and exponentially among consumers.

Ø  Today, this often comes in the form of an email message or video.
Ø  Contrary to alarmists' fear, viral isn't evil. It isn't dishonest or unnatural.
Ø  At its best, it is word of mouth enabled, and at its worst, it's just another interruptive marketing message.

Types of Viral Marketing
1 Pass-Long
2 Buzz-Marketing
3 Incentives Viral
4 Undercover-Marketing
5 User Managed Database

Ø  A short note that will be sent on to1 the other internet users and it is usually to the footer of Electronic Messages E.g.:

Ø  This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. 2 Involves celebrities Go ahead and replace it with discussing about products and experiences with a hint of Controversy
Incentives Viral
Ø  It call the user to take action Go ahead and replace it with 3 in order to be rewarded
Ø  This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. 4 It occurs when people do Go ahead and replace it with not know they are being marketed to..
User Managed Database
Ø  It refers to different 5 databases of prospects that clients generate themselves with the help of online service providers.

Some Issues which are related to viral marketing
• Issues of Spam
• Generally Focuses on Short Term Success
• Negative Publicity
• Brand Dilution
• Association with Unknown groups

• Customer Communication through Internet.
• Good web marketing strategy.
• Turning a profit by attracting customer.
• Set everything up in the self- imposed time restriction.

Advantages of Viral Marketing
• Cheap and low cost
• Extensive reach
• High credibility
• High efficiency

Disadvantages of Viral Marketing
• Brand Dilution
• Association with unknown groups
• Avoid making purely financial-based offer

• Large-scale spam issues


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